Samsung knows about Social Media!

Founded in 1938 in Korea as a trading company for food before its work with electronics, Samsung Corporation was listed in 2012 as the world’s largest information technology company measured by revenues. Its value in the market is so impressive that if Samsung were to be an individual country, it would be the 35th richest with a revenue of US$ 212 billions in 2012 alone.

Such success is followed by high innovation, powerful presence in the technology field, and the an engagement with the public focusing on a goal of providing a variety of technological devices affordable to everyone.

Social Media marketing by a Korean Company


When the subject is marketing on social media, Samsung is considered a masterpiece. In 2013, reaching the number of 25 millions fans on
Facebook, Samsung reached in Europe the mark of brand no. 1 by numbers of fans. In the same year, according to Starcount, which compiles information from Social Networks, Samsung was the most popular social-media brand worldwide with 18 millions new followers among different Social Networks and 86 millions of views on YouTube.

Its strategy in the last years has showed how important are the community participation and the consumer engagement, what brings over three points that Samsung is looking forward to approach by cultivating its social currency: consideration, brand loyalty and brand awareness.

“Social media has always been about engagement, listening and responding and that’s what we strive to achieve. Our fans are invaluable to us.” says Suzy Lloyd, European Head of Samsung´s Social Media Marketing.

Moreover, the Korean company invested in an innovative and socially enabled website focusing on a direct link between the consumer and the brand by adding new features such as Facebook and Twitter buttons and quick consumer reviews. The new interactive experience suddenly and incredibly boosted the traffic on its site and the brand mentions online, keeping a short barrier between the consumers that now share their experiences on the website.

Some Individual Social Medias


Samsung nowadays has over 9 millions followers on Twitter and its account is based in quick informations about new launches and customer support.

A famous campaign made on Twitter was in a moment of advantage, which, however, was a boom: the Oscar’s Selfie. Samsung took advantage of the selfie had been taken from a Samsung Mobile and promoted the tweet. So far, such picture was the most retweed Tweet ever.


With 39 millions of fans, Samsung is the 4th largest brand on Facebook and the 2nd with the fastest growth. One of its goals is the community participation and spread its brand awareness among the online world.

In 2011, trying to reach new fans, Samsung made the successful campaign “Like it, Reveal it, Win it”. To take part, people had to like their Facebook page and recommend the content for their friends in order to reveal pieces from a product image hidden ,with the chance of earning weekly prizes as far they reveal the whole content. The number of new fans weekly was over 12 thousand and besides, it easily generated a close relation to the consumers.


By reaching new fans Samsung is doing well since they are expanding their range of interaction and has been present on the online media. The customers base from its company is varied since they have a wide range of prices for its products and distribute technological devices more affordable than its biggest competitor Apple. However, the targets on Social Media aim more to young and “connected” people. Not focusing on the business field, which is still also one of the strong costumer bases for them.

Samsung teaches the lesson that companies – start-ups or established – should adapt to the new online world since their costumers are being part of it. So that, these businesses can boost its range of clientele and create loyalty. For example, The Hyde Street – journal from EFSF – can receive by far more awareness of its existence as long as each student publish or share the new articles on Facebook because such articles are written by people with the same age as the public on their page. Moreover, doing so with small companies is a great approach to receive a feedback from their customers and reach new public since the companies would be connected more personally with them.

Therefore, according to the present facts, Samsung knows how to deal the online marketing. For sure, it’s a prove that old and stablished companies can and should put social media to work.


2 thoughts on “Samsung knows about Social Media!”

  1. Samsung is definitely a great example of a big corporation who uses social media correctly and is staying current with the times. Their phone and tablet ads are some of the best out there and they seem to be the only ones trying to take on Apple. Love them or hate them, Samsung makes a great products and their marketing is really making an impact. They are arguably the biggest and most popular mobile phone and tablet manufactures just behind Apple.


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