
Brand positioning Statement: 

To wealthy and innovative people, our brand is the newest and most cutting-edge product in the beverage market, being an approach to fulfill your drinkable desires or even needs in one bottle – whenever and whatever.  

Our target audience

Based on criteria of current customers usage patterns and general goals, Waves is a brand focused on a wealthy clientele and cutting-edge product lovers; for those who can financially afford innovative high tech devices and have attractions for differential, either because of their functionality or the image involved by using it. Besides, it’s simply a drink that is suitable for everyone.


 The Waves ad mostly uses pathos as a mode of appeal inasmuch as it gives the audience a context it can relate to with certain emotions: most people know the feeling of being in a group where everybody wants something different, but because they have to share, someone eventually has to give in. In the ad, the product becomes the solution to a well-known problem, thus providing the viewers with the idea that not only does it solve problems, but also it gives everyone a sense of satisfaction. By creating a setting with a group of people, the advertisement also has an element of social belonging, which most people seek in their daily lives. 

Also, the part where Christmas is mentioned provides the viewers with an easy choice – most adults want something practical, but not boring. Waves – again – becomes the problem-solver, which could appeal to the viewers’ sense of comfort.


Elaboration Likelihood Model/ELM


In our commercial to advertise “Waves”, a bottle that is capable of transforming a liquid into another liquid, we used the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as the main persuasion theory.

By using the peripheral route of the ELM, we try to convince potential consumers to buy the product through low level communication based on attraction and visual stimuli. We try to establish this mainly via the liking principle and social proof. Therefore, people who are similar to everyday people are used in the advertisement to promote the product. In that way, not only is the product made more accessible to a broad target audience, but it also creates the assumption that if a lot of other people are using the product, it must be okay. We believe that this method is the most effective one to market our ingenious product in a saturated market of sodas.



In the last segment of our commercial, we show our bottle under a Christmas tree. We explain to the audience that our product “Waves” is a special and original gift suitable for Christmas. In this way, we hope that our given idea stays in the viewers mind. That way, when those people go shopping for Christmas presents they have to think about ‘Waves’ and will take a look in one of our selling points. It’s a good technique for this kind of occasions and so we hope that they’ll buy the product.

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