General English

May 14, 2015

Everything you need to know about the Ukraine crisis


May 7, 2015

Who is running for US President in 2016?


April 16, 2015

Active Versus Passive Voice Resources

The Paramedic Method to Concise Writing


April 14, 2015

How to Write a Poem

How to Write a Haiku


April 3, 2015

Photos of Yosemite

Photos of the Drought in the West

1. California just imposed mandatory water restrictions for the first time in history

2. The Economics of California’s Drought

3. Finding the Right Price for Water

4. California’s drought is driving up food prices — but it can still get worse

5. What California Can Teach Other States about Climate Change


March 10, 2015

Oregon Trail!


March 3, 2015

Tales of the Trash: A neighborhood garbageman explains modern Egypt.


Feb. 20, 2015

Photos of the drought in California


Feb. 12, 2015

“Subterranean Homesick Blues” by Bob Dylan

“Maggie’s Farm” by Bob Dylan

America” by Allen Ginsberg

 List of Beat Writers


Jan. 22, 2015

Sentence Punctuation Patterns

Avoiding Run-On Sentences, Comma Splices and Fused Sentences


Jan. 20, 2015

Master Preposition Chart

Prepositions for Time, Place, and Introducing Objects

Prepositions of Direction: To, On (to), In (to)

Prepositions of Location: At, In, On

Prepositions of Spatial Relationships

Preposition Exercise


Jan. 13, 2015

Active Versus Passive Voice Resources

The Paramedic Method to Concise Writing


Jan. 6, 2014

Relative Pronouns in Defining and Non-Defining Clauses


Dec. 19, 2014


Master Preposition Chart

Prepositions for Time, Place, and Introducing Objects

Prepositions of Direction: To, On (to), In (to)

Prepositions of Location: At, In, On

Prepositions of Spatial Relationships


Dec. 17, 2014

Cleft Sentences

Guidelines for writing Cleft Sentences


Dec. 3 , 2014

Relative Clauses

Introduction and General Usage in Defining Clauses

Relative Pronouns in Non-defining Clauses

Defining vs. Non-Defining and ESL Tips


Nov. 26, 2014

Understanding Ferguson

1. 11 essential facts about Ferguson and the shooting of Michael Brown

2. 11 things we learned from Darren Wilson’s account in the Ferguson grand jury evidence

3. Was the shooting of Michael Brown legal?

4. Ferguson Grand Jury Evidence Reveals Mistakes, Holes In Investigation


Nov. 18, 2014

What You Need To Know About The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

The Pipeline From Hell: There’s No Good Reason to Build Keystone XL

Why we need the Keystone oil pipeline

Transcanada: Keystone XL Myths and Facts


Nov. 17, 2014

Tales of the Trash: A neighborhood garbageman explains modern Egypt.


Nov. 12, 2014

Looking for cooperation on climate change

Obama and GOP

Obama and China



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